meeDIA develops and maintains the pythonocc 3D development library
Take your favorite 3D CAD software. Strip it of its disguise (its Graphical User Interface) and dress it in the simplest attire (a Python API): that's #pythonocc.
From now on, put the mouse aside: Python scripts drive your actions. You write scripts. You execute scripts. Cross-platform compatibility: Windows/Linux/OSX.
pythonocc is built on OCCT technology and enables industrial-grade 3D workflows. It was created in 2008 by Thomas Paviot, co-founder and CTO of the meeDIA company.
Its features support use cases involving interoperability (STEP AP 203/214/242, IGES), 3D modeling, visualization, pre and post-processing for simulation, geometric and topological correction, batch processing, etc.
Since 2008, pythonocc has been distributed under the permissive LGPL license, certified by the Open Source Initiative, allowing for commercial use.
Development follows the highest software quality standards. Downloaded hundreds of thousands of times for all Windows, Linux, or OSX platforms, pythonocc is a product recommended by thousands of users worldwide.
pythonocc is cited in over 350 scientific publications in the fields of robotics, materials, energy, BIM, AI for 3D, geometric quality, etc.
Known for its quality and robustness, pythonocc enables implementation of the most advanced algorithms.
pythonocc opens up to all the best tools in the Python ecosystem for even more powerful workflows: Jupyter, matplotlib, scipy, scikit-learn, PyQt, and other engineering tools like FreeCad, Salome, BlenderBIM, ifcopenshell, VTK, gmsh, etc.
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